CONFER is funded under Human dynamics of climate change topic of the the Horizon 2020 programme, and specifically under the sub-topic Climate services for Africa. Two other projects receives funding under this same sub-topic, and we cooperate very closely with these. We call them our “sister projects”.
The sister projects are DOWN2EARTH, which is led by Michael Singer at the University of Cardiff, and FOCUS-Africa, led by Roberta Boscolo at WMO. To ensure that the coordinators are informed about the activities in the other projects, our coordinator Erik Kolstad has been invited to join the scientific advisory committees of the other two projects, and their coordinators are part of ours.
The three projects will also work together on the following issues:
- Joint co-creation of climate service(s)
- Policy briefs
- Joint science meetings 1–2 times per year
- Researcher exchanges (early career)
- Common webinars
- Joint teaching and capacity building
- Joint final conference in 2023/24