The 60th GHACOF is taking place 15.-17. February 2022. The forum takes place three times a year and the seasonal forecast for the following three months is presented. Just like the last few GHACOFs, this one will be digital on Zoom. The theme of the forum is “Early Warning for Early Action”.
The conference brings together key climate stakeholders from the region, working to develop climate services for sustainable development. It also provides individuals and organizations with an opportunity to showcase innovations to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.
The forum aims to:
- Review the impact of the October – December 2021 season
- Present the regional forecast for the March – May 2022 season
- Present the expected impact of the forecast and advisories for key sectors in each country
- Provide a marketplace for decision makers, climate scientists, researchers, and users of climate information
Working groups to co-produce climate services and advisories will take place in the following sectors:
- Agriculture and Food Security
- Disaster Risk Management
- Water and Energy
- Livestock
- Health
- Environment and Forests
- Conflict Early Warning
- Climate Change
- Media and Communications
Please remember to register for GHACOF60 on Zoom
More information on the event and the full programme can be found here