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Training Partners: Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), University of Augsburg (UNiA), and University of Calabria (UniCal).

The sixth Foundational Climate Prediction Training Workshop for ICPAC Member States forecasters kicked off on Monday, November 13, 2023, at ICPAC offices …

The three-day gathering, held from September 18 to 21, 2023, served as a platform for in-depth discussions on several core aspects of the project's work.

Climate change poses an urgent global challenge that demands action at both local and global scales. In Hargeisa and Mogadishu, Somalia, there’s …

This webinar will feature an overview of the ENSO, Indian Ocean Dipole, and Madden Julian Oscillation phenomena and their teleconnection with climate variability in Eastern and Southern Africa. I