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The CONFER project, a a multi-national collaboration aimed at enhancing resilience to climate impacts and reducing disaster risk in East Africa concluded in September 2024.  The project was coordinated by NORCE, based in Bergen, Norway, with the main African partner being the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) in Nairobi, Kenya.

Below are the deliverables and the list of publications:



  • Masilin Gudoshava, George Otieno, Eunice Koech, Herbert Misiani, Jemimah Gacheru Ongoma, Claudio Heinrich-Mertsching, Calistus Wachana, Hussen Seid Endris, Anthony Mwanthi, Mary Kilavi, Emmah Mwangi, Andrew Colman, Douglas Parker, Joseph Nzau Mutemi, Paula Machio, Paulino Omoj Omay, Paul Ombai, Doreen Anande, Alfred Kondowe, Isaac Mugume, Prosper Ayabagabo, Houda Youssouf Houssein, Mahado Salah Waiss, Bekele Abeshu, Ezechiel Kayoya, Mohamud Nor Sharawe, Titike Bahaga, Martin Todd, Zewdu Segele, Zachary Atheru, and Guleid Artan (2024): Advances, gaps and way forward in provision of climate services over the Greater Horn of Africa. Frontiers in Climate. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2024.1307535
  • Erik W. Kolstad, Douglas J. Parker, David A. MacLeod, Caroline M. Wainwright, and Linda C. Hirons (2024): Beyond the Regional Average: Drivers of Geographical Rainfall Variability during East Africa’s Short Rains. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4829
  • Michael Scheuerer, Titike K. Bahaga, Zewdu T. Segele, and Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir (2024). Probabilistic rainy season onset prediction over the Greater Horn of Africa based on long-range multi-model ensemble forecasts. Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-023-07085-y
  • Jima, W.L., Bahaga, T.K., and Tsidu, G.M. (2024): Fidelity of CMIP6 Models in Simulating June–September Rainfall Climatology, Spatial and Trend Patterns Over Complex Topography of Greater Horn of Africa. Pure and Applied Geophysics. DOI:
  • David MacLeod, Erik W. Kolstad, Katerina Michaelides, and Michael Bliss Singer (2024): Sensitivity of Rainfall Extremes to Unprecedented Indian Ocean Dipole Events. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2023GL105258
  • Benjamin Lamptey, Salah SAHABI ABED, Masilin Gudoshava, Joseph Mutemi, Mary-Jane Bopape, Elijah Adesanya Adefisan, Moudi Pascal Igri, Ibrah Seidou Sanda, Ousmane Ndiaye, Douglas J. Parker, Andrew J. Dougill, Andreas H. Fink, Peter Knippertz, Steve Woolnough, and Erik W. Kolstad (2024): Challenges and ways forward for sustainable weather and climate services in Africa. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46742-6
  • Tamirat B. Jimma, Teferi Demissie, Gulilat T. Diro, Kassahun Ture, Tadesse Terefe, and Dawit Solomon (2023): Spatiotemporal variability of soil moisture over Ethiopia and its teleconnections with remote and local drivers. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-022-04335-7
  • Joël Arnault, Anthony Musili Mwanthi, Tanja Portele, Lu Li, Thomas Rummler, Benjamin Fersch, Mohammed Abdullahi Hassan, Titike Kassa Bahaga, Zhenyu Zhang, Eric Mensah Mortey, Ifeany Chukwudi Achugbu, Hassane Moutahir, Souleymane Sy, Jianhui Wei, Patrick Laux, Stefan Sobolowski, and Harald Kunstmann (2023): Regional water cycle sensitivity to afforestation: synthetic numerical experiments for tropical Africa. Frontiers in Climate. DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2023.1233536
  • Claudio Heinrich-Mertsching, Silje Lund Sørland, Masilin Gudoshava, Eunice Koech, Titike K. Bahaga, and Stefan Pieter Sobolowski (2023). Subselection of seasonal ensemble precipitation predictions for East Africa. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4525
  • Erik W. Kolstad and David MacLeod (2022): Lagged oceanic effects on the East African short rains. Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06176-6
  • E. W. Kolstad, D. MacLeod, and T. D. Demissie (2021): Drivers of Subseasonal Forecast Errors of the East African Short Rains. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL093292